Following hot on the heels of the fantastic news that issue 1 is getting a reprint, comes its PREVIEWS code: MAY138203
If you're after a copy, please request it from your local retailers in the near future, as the cut-off date for orders is the 8th of July; a week from today.
Below is the cover for the reprint; you might recognise it if you're a long-time reader of this blog. One've my favourite images done so far for HPD; I'm delighted it's getting its turn! Colours by the ever-fabulous Jordie Bellaire.
Great news, gives more people the chance to get into the title and increases the potential for more issues.
Congrats, Stephen
Cheers Mat! I'm delighted alright, an absolutely lovely surprise.
Good day, I'm a fan from Manila, Philippines. I am loving the series. Any chance we could get posters? These covers would look mighty good on my wall. :)
Congratulations on the reprint and keep the good stuff coming!
Hi Andrew, thanks for taking the time to comment! There are indeed Posters/prints of the covers coming soon, I just need to finish all of the pages for the first series before I concentrate on things like that. Within the next 6-8 weeks I'll start offering things like poster prints and t-shirts here on the website, so just check back every now and again to see their status!
Love your work
And I like mr, Sarmiento was wondering if this or others would become a poster
Yours truly a fan from Texas , Fredde
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