Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Issue 1 and Issue 2 are now sold out at distributor level, which is just the most fantastic news. I never thought the book would find as many readers as it has, so it's incredibly satisfying to know that there are more potential readers than there are copies! Anybody who would like a copy of either issue 1 or issue 2 should ask their store-owners about getting some re-orders in, and potentially more could be printed if there's enough demand. So have at it!

I gotta say, thank you so much to everybody who's taken a punt on HPD, and hopefully enjoyed it. It means an awful lot. I'm still a little afraid that everybody will suddenly come to their senses and realise, 'wait a sec, this guy's not a real writer!' That said, hopefully I can continue to pull the wool over everybody's eyes until the series has concluded!

Schedule-wise, at the moment I'm drawing page 10 of issue 5, and Jordie has started work on the colours for issue 4, so everything is pretty much on track. Issue 3 (my favourite to date, I think)  has gone to the printers and will be out in good time.

I was writing some stuff for the sequel last night; the plot for which is almost fully formed. I don't know for sure if IDW are up for doing more after this initial series, but I sure am, and will do my best to make it happen.

So that's it for the minute. I was looking through the issues for some artwork to post with this article, but the problem is that everything is so spoilerific at this point that there's not a lot I can show!
Maybe I'll draw up something new specifically for the blog.

For now though; b'bye! And THANKS.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Issue 2 Preview Pages

Issue two is in stores this wednesday, so I figured I'd stick up a little taste of what ye can expect. The colours for this issue (and for the rest of the series), are by the ridiculously talented and fragrant Miss Jordie bellaire. Variant cover by Dynamic Declan Shalvey!

Please do pick up the issue!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Thank You

Just wanted to post and say a massive THANK YOU so much to all of the people that gave the first issue of Half Past Danger a chance, and from what I can tell, seemed to enjoy it. It really makes all of the late nights worthwhile when I hear how much people are digging it. It also makes me even more determined to make sure that the rest of the series is just as good, if not better, than issue one.

I've just begun work on the fifth issue this week, and should be able to stay on track until the book is finished. Please do continue to pick up the issues as they come out, and let me know what ye think!

Thanks so much again! Sincerely.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Verdict from The Press

The reviews for issue one of the book have been incredibly positive; it's surreal. That said it's overwhelming and heartening to know that there are so many fans out there on the same wavelength as myself, fans that love this type of material with a new twist.

I'm not going to start linking to various reviews here, as that would be a tad self-aggrandising(they're easily found around the net), but I will post a link to one specific review, from the Houston Press. The reporter got onto me today to tell me that Half Past Danger #1 is only the fourth book in two years to receive a 10 out of 10 rating in their paper, and that I should let people know. He blew my tiny mind a little bit.

So here's the link to the article, if you feel like taking a look: Link

The general tone of reviews has been extremely positive, and they really seem to grasp the vibe I'm shooting for with the book. I'm so, so grateful that it's been this well received, and I find it pretty hard to believe, to be honest.

Now I wait for the other shoe to drop...