Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Thank You

Just wanted to post and say a massive THANK YOU so much to all of the people that gave the first issue of Half Past Danger a chance, and from what I can tell, seemed to enjoy it. It really makes all of the late nights worthwhile when I hear how much people are digging it. It also makes me even more determined to make sure that the rest of the series is just as good, if not better, than issue one.

I've just begun work on the fifth issue this week, and should be able to stay on track until the book is finished. Please do continue to pick up the issues as they come out, and let me know what ye think!

Thanks so much again! Sincerely.


matj0071 said...

Hi Stephen

Read the first issue last night - had to scour eBay for a copy of the non-subscription cover as I missed it on release - and loved it! Great atmosphere, script and art, can't wait to see what direction the series takes. Hope the trade reviews and fan feedback mean that we'll see more beyond the initial six issue run.

All the best


Stephen Mooney said...

Hey Mat!

Thanks so much for taking the time to write, man. Yeah, the first issue is sold out pretty much evertwhere from what I've been hearing, which is incredible, and just so gratifying. I'm so heartened by it all!

Thanks for going the extra mile to find a copy, that means a lot. So glad ye actually enjoyed it after all that work getting yer hands on it! There's a chance the first issue may get reprinted if the demand keeps up, but no news on that front yet.

As for more issues after the first series, I'm all for it. I have the second series plotted, so it'll be down to sales as to whether or not a sequel gets green-lit. We're off to a very solid start though, so I'd say signs are good!

matj0071 said...

Love the X -Files ref - grisly demise for The Lone Gunmen! Haha!

Stephen Mooney said...

Yeah, I miss those guys... now they've died twice!